When you have a great app or SaaS product, one of the hardest things to do is just explain it.
You know your app the best. You know it inside and out. Every detail. Every button.
Well, at least you think you know it all.
The fact is you’re too close to your app. You might gloss over a step. Or know how to avoid a bug so your do something a very specific way.
Getting an outside perspective is essential to your growth.
Here are three things to do to get perspective:
- Have a friend try your app and don’t coach or help them.
- Join a networking group (Lunchclub would be great for this) and demo/explain your app to a stranger.
- Go through the whole process of using your app, start to finish, as a new user.
Get those three things under your belt and then you can polish that ever-important elevator pitch.
And if you need someone to give your app a spin, let me know in the comments.
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