Five Tips For Giving A Great Presentation

Or talk or speech or keynote.

“A close-up of a microphone with a group of people in the blurred background” by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

Here’s my trial by fire story when I gave my first important presentation, survived, and used those lessons to make public speaking and teaching one of my favorite things. Almost all my presentation tips came from this singular experience that defined who I am. Despite being an introvert, I love giving talks and teaching. This is in no small part to my trial by fire and the five things below that I always freakin’ do for a talk.

Back when Tris was a young scientist…

At the University of Maine where I got my Master’s degree, the tradition is for Master’s and PhD students to do their final thesis defense in two parts: public and private. My trial by fire is from the public part. The private part is easy, it’s just you and your advisors wrapping things up. The public part is where a lot of people lose their sh*t.

In a public Master’s defense anyone at the university can come to the talk and ask any question they darn well feel like. The goal of the thesis defense is to publicly test you to see if you know your stuff—have you earned the right to the degree of Master of Science. This means all the professors and other grad students in the department are encouraged to ask really, really hard questions, take pot shots at your research and conclusions. Essentially make the next 2–3 hours a living hell.

I survived. I passed (with flying colors I will add). A lot of that has to do with the two weeks of practice I put in. A lot of that has to do with the support of my advisors and mentors. And I think I had a little something to do with me too. And after that experience, all talks since are a cake walk. What could they possibly do to me worse than the public defense? At a Master’s defense there is a real possibility you will flunk and a couple years of your life are down the tubes. Plus the public humiliation that you didn’t have what it takes.

So from that experience, and twenty plus years of giving talks since, I give you my 5 tips for a great presentation.

KISS you slides

Keep. It. Simple. S…well you know. When I gave my thesis defence the rule was that every single word on the slide (real slides people) had to be legible from the back of the room. This meant 4 maybe 5 bullets at most. This was way back in 1993 with PowerPoint was new and “camera ready copy” meant having pieces of paper ready for a camera to take pictures of your slides. No last minute changes here folks.

PowerPoint (and Keynote) are amazing tools, but like all tools they are routinely abused. We’ve all seen slides that you couldn’t read even if they were on a screen right in front of you. Do yourself and your audience a favor, keep it to 3–5 points. These points are reminders for you. Not your talk. Each slide is a prompt for what you’re going to say next. Not your freakin’ speech. More on that later.

When I’m giving a talk or speech, I like the quippy quote or a single thought with a picture. For a class, you get bullet points (and an electronic copy with info-dense slides that aren’t in the class) because I have things to teach and self-deprecating jokes don’t work for the entire lecture.

So remember: KISS your slides and your audience might kiss you too. Or at least a warm hug or handshake.

Know your sh*t. And know you know your sh*t too

If you only have a few bullet points on a slide, you need to know the rest of your talk. You have to know your sh*t before you step up. Sure, notes are nice to refer to for a quote or stat, but don’t read from a piece of paper. This isn’t a 3rd grade book report.

Own the stage and know what you’re going to say from beginning to end. How each slide preps for the next one. When the joke is going to come (or not if you think your audience isn’t going to go for it). Each transition, each point to hammer home. You. Gotta. Know. It. This is not just about practice, it’s about research. It’s visualizing how the talk will go. It’s having your bases covered for questions people will ask, and be ready for the curve (or odd) ball question too.

It’s a presence and air of confidence. It’s owning the stage for the few minutes you have in the spotlight. Revel in it. Dig it. Take an deep breath and crush it. Which brings me too…

Look cool, feel cool

For those of you who have seen me give a talk since about 1997 you might have noticed that I almost always wear a purple shirt when I give a talk. This is not an accident or that I only own purple shirts. It’s because in my first big talk as the new Webmaster for Glaxo Wellcome Canada I wore a purple shirt. I crushed it. So ever since then, purple is my go to color for talks. Today I even combine with purple sox and boxers. I don’t think you can have too much purple in this case.

The point here is that when I give a talk I feel awesome. I’m wearing clothes that are comfortable, fit great, make me look awesome (purple happens to be a great color for me), and make me feel awesome. This is your secret weapon. Feel awesome, be awesome. Don’t conform to a “big speech” dress code?—?unless there is a formal dress code for the conference?—?because someone said this is how keynote speakers give talks. Want to wear a Hawaiian shirt? Do it. I guarantee people will remember you.

Do. Not. Read. Your. Slides.

This follows straight from points one and two. It’s boring, awkward, and unprofessional to read from your slides. We’re grownups, we can read. And if your slides are simple, there shouldn’t be a problem with any of us getting the point. Your slides are there to augment what you’re saying, not replace it. With maybe the exception of a great quote you want to emphasize, don’t read what’s on screen, just reinforce it.

Over prepare your tech kit

This is geeky, but essential. Have your laptop fully charged (in case you can’t bring your power cord up to the stage). Have your deck locally, in the cloud, and on a USB stick. Have all the dongles (and more) to connect to the projector. Stuff will go sideways. Plan for it. Know you can get to your deck from almost any device connected, or not, to the internet.

Why spend time on this? Because it gives you confidence, like your clothes, that you have your bases covered. That’s why this is the final tip. Once you’ve got the first four set, this is the only other thing that could go wrong. And if you’ve prepped enough, you’re cool.

What are your best tips?

I know I’ve left some stuff out of this list. What are your tips for giving a great talk? Respond below and share.

Video version of the post as well to watch and share:

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